Abtei Königsmünster

"Christ, the true king"

This is the motto under which monks at Abtei Königsmünster live according to the Rule of St. Benedict. We have been living and celebrating our faith together since 1928 and are involved in a wide variety of fields - in our schools, our guest houses, our craft businesses, our abbey restaurant, in the mission or in counseling and pastoral care on site.

Important information

Opening hours

Mondays to Fridays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


You can find current dates under:


Monastery tours
Request to:

Contact us

Abtei Königsmünster Guest Office
Klosterberg 11
59872 Meschede
Phone: 0291/2995-210
Mail: gastbüro@koenigsmuenster.de