Behavior in the forest

Rules of conduct in the forests of Sauerland and Siegen-Wittgenstein

We are delighted that you have decided to visit one of the largest contiguous forest areas in our country. We, the partners Sauerländischer Gebirgsverein e.V., Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW, Wisent-Welt-Wittgenstein e.V., Sauerland-Tourismus e.V., Touristikverband Siegerland-Wittgenstein e.V., Waldbauernverband NRW e. V., as well as the nature parks Sauerland-Rothaargebirge, Arnsberg Forest and Diemelsee are committed to a considerate coexistence of all nature users. We pursue the common goal of creating a low-conflict nature experience in the Sauerland and Siegerland-Wittgenstein without compromising quality. We are also committed to making people in nature aware of property rights in the forest and of nature conservation.

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Anyone is permitted to enter the forest for recreational purposes. However, access is prohibited to some sensitive and easily damaged forest areas. For example, nature reserves and plantations may not be entered. The same applies to closed or fenced areas and paths. The following applies nationwide: enter the forest at your own risk. An intact forest also includes old and dead wood. Parts of trees or entire trees that are no longer used for forestry can die. Dead branches and trees sometimes collapse without any particular influence from wind or storms. Individual branches can come loose from the crowns of trees at any time and fall onto paths. Please be aware of this danger and therefore avoid spending long periods of time under dead trees. Please leave the forest in strong winds and storms.

Lighting fires is strictly prohibited, as is smoking in the forest from March 1 to October 31.

Anyone walking along the trail networks in Sauerland and Siegerland-Wittgenstein will encounter pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, as well as cross-country skiers in winter. They are all united by an interest in nature and the goal of recreation. Encounters between nature sports enthusiasts are mutually satisfactory if both sides behave respectfully:

1. stay on the paths intended for you.

Although pedestrians are permitted to enter the forest, special rules apply to other nature users under the state nature conservation and forestry laws in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hessen. For example, cycling in the forest is permitted on so-called fixed paths (for a definition see, for example, the Cologne Administrative Court ruling); horse riding, on the other hand, is only permitted on marked bridle paths, except in so-called exemption areas (information on this can be obtained from the respective districts or independent towns). On arrival, the following always applies: Only park your vehicle in the designated parking spaces.

2. behave with foresight, appropriately for the route and the conditions.

For your own safety and that of other nature users, it is important that everyone behaves appropriately and with foresight. Obstacles or other nature users can appear at any time in passages that cannot be seen and in narrow and steep places. Lingering at such points also poses a risk. Path surfaces and weather conditions influence whether shoes, horse hooves or wheels provide sufficient grip. On fast descents, you must be aware that game can cross your path at any time. The following therefore applies to cyclists in particular: you must be able to stop safely within sight!

3. adjust your speed so that you can react at any time.

Reduce your speed when other users are approaching. This is the only way to give everyone time to react appropriately.

4. make yourself known in a friendly and timely manner.

If you come across other nature users that you want to overtake, make them aware of you in good time if they have not already noticed you. We are all out and about in nature for recreation and want to be friendly to each other.

5. let other nature users pass without danger.

If someone is traveling faster or in a different direction, offer each other the opportunity to pass each other without danger.

6 The forest belongs to someone too! Observe barriers and follow instructions.

The forest in Sauerland and Siegerland Wittgenstein belongs to private owners, towns and municipalities as well as the state. The forest plays an important economic role for these owners, especially for private forest owners. Respect the rights of the landowners and understand if you encounter traces of forestry during your activities, if timber transporters or foresters enter the forest with their vehicles, if paths are damaged by economic activity or if you are warned of the dangers of logging by means of road closure signs. Please be sure to observe these temporary road closure signs, because if you do not follow them, you are putting your life in acute danger.

7. use the paths responsibly

The paths that are available to you for your enjoyment of nature are the forestry lifelines. They are primarily built for the management of the forest and are regularly maintained for this purpose. But the paths are largely left in their natural state. Inappropriate driving can lead to severe erosion damage on the paths. Especially natural paths or paths paved with fine covering are damaged by careless braking maneuvers.

8 Avoid the forest at dusk and in the dark.

Especially between sunset and sunrise, considerate behavior is required in the forest, as the wildlife is particularly disturbed by noise and bright light, for example. If possible, avoid spending time and using bright lights in the forest at these times.

9. protect and protect animals and plants and behave appropriately.

Many species of game live in the forests of Sauerland and Siegerland Wittgenstein. You may encounter red deer, wild boar (wild sows), mouflon and, more recently, bison in the forest. The risks posed by these animals to the average hiker are low and can be reduced to an absolute minimum by adopting appropriate and respectful behavior.
Mother animals have an unconditional urge to protect their young. This applies to all game species. Should an encounter occur, this applies in particular to encounters with wild boar or bison:

  • Walk past the animals calmly and unobtrusively at a distance, do not startle the animals and do not look them directly in the eye.
  • Watch out for threatening gestures! If sows "chatter their teeth" or bison lower their heads, they expect you to retreat. Then back away!
  • If the animals approach you, stay calm, do not turn your back on them and leave the area without rushing, but always with a view of the animal. If the animals approach at a distance that makes you uncomfortable, call out loudly, whistle or make yourself heard in another way.
  • Also note how to deal with wild animals and your dog (point 11).
  • Dealing with ticks: To prevent infection, it is necessary to search yourself carefully after walks in the woods to find ticks before they bite if you have had direct contact with grass and bushes. If you remove the tick with a suitable product within the first 24 hours, the probability of infection is significantly lower. You can find more information on dealing with ticks at:

Please do not damage plants and fungi and do not pull them out. They could be protected. Misconduct can lead to severe penalties. When picking mushrooms and berries, you must observe the legal regulations.

10. take your garbage back with you!

If you leave your waste behind, you endanger the flora and fauna and destroy the landscape for other nature users and yourself. Therefore, take your waste home with you to dispose of it correctly.

11. only keep dogs on the paths or on a lead (except in dangerous situations).

If you are out and about with your dog, you are obliged to keep it safely under control at all times. This prevents other nature users from becoming unsettled. You may only keep your dog on a lead off the paths. If an animal attacks your dog, put it on a lead! The dog is faster and more agile than you and will definitely find you again.

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