Cool your tired legs after a long hike in the Kneipp treading pool, indulge in relaxation in the warm peat bath or breathe in the fine brine mist at the Gradierwerk - in the spas and health resorts in Sauerland, the natural remedies of peat, brine, healing climate and various Kneipp treatments have a positive effect on the health of body and mind.
Water, exercise, nutrition, medicinal plants and inner balance - these are the five healing factors that were developed 150 years ago by naturopath Sebastian Kneipp as essential elements of a holistic healing method. Therapy based on his principles has a preventative effect against stress, brings body and soul into harmony and ensures inner balance.
Kneipp spa Olsberg ->
Bad Fredeburg Kneipp spa ->
Kneipp-Heilbad Brilon ->
If peat is mixed with water, a muddy mass is formed, which we call moor. As a peat bath or peat pack, it warms and has a beneficial effect on tension or other physical complaints. The healing agent from the soil also has a positive effect on organs.
Bad Westernkotten brine and peat spa ->
Bad Sassendorf brine and moor spa ->
Brine is dissolved salt and acts as a remedy in many different ways. With its high content of mineral salts such as iodine or sulphur, brine is said to have a healing power that works from the inside and outside. A bath in brine feels like you are floating and a walk along the Gradierwerk is like a day by the sea.
Bad Waldliesborn thermal and brine spa ->
Brine and moor spa Bad Sassendorf ->
Bad Westernkotten brine and moor spa ->
The climate by the sea or in the high mountains is particularly good for your health. But there are also climatic health resorts and spas in the Sauerland, where temperature, wind and humidity provide the kind of balanced conditions that can otherwise only be found by the sea or in the mountains.
Winterberg climatic health resort ->