- Summit
- Culturally interesting
- Refreshment stop
- Circular route
Close to nature on the Brilon Kammweg with overnight stays on trekking pitches
Brilon marketplace
Brilon marketplace
Incidentally, half of the route runs parallel to the Rothaarsteig.
Distances (running direction anticlockwise):
Brilon market square - Buttenberg trekking site: 12 km
Buttenberg trekking site - Feuereiche trekking site: 25 km
Fire Oak trekking site - Himmelsnah trekking site: 10.5 km
Trekking place Himmelsnah - market place Brilon: 4 km
Distances (running direction clockwise):
Market place Brilon - trekking place Himmesnah: 4 km
Trekking site Himmelsnah - Trekking site Feuereiche: 10.5 km
Fire Oak trekking site - Buttenberg trekking site: 25 km
Buttenberg trekking site - Brilon market square: 12 km
Be sure to book in advance, as there is only limited capacity.
Train station: Brilon-Stadt
Bus stop: Markt Brilon