The romantic Wasserschloß Bruchhausen lies at the foot of the Bruchhauser Steine. This historic castle is inhabited by the owners. The castle can therefore not be visited from the inside. The outside area can be admired. It is possible to hire the special location of the castle park for weddings or corporate events. The adjoining Gutcafé offers the opportunity to stop for a bite to eat. The Sauerland flower garden offers an insight into an old garden design and also a variety of rose varieties. It is well worth a visit.
The romantic Wasserschloß lies at the foot of the Bruchhauser Steine
Bruchhausen. This historic castle is inhabited by the owners.
by the owners. The castle can therefore not be visited from the inside. The
outside can be admired. For weddings or company events it is
it is possible to hire the special location of the castle park.
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