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- open on request/by arrangement
In dem heute durch die Volksbank Rüthen genutzten Gebäude an der südlichen Hachtorstraße, befand sich bis zu seiner Aufhebung 1772 ein Nonnenkloster. Seit 1482 wirkten an dieser Stätte Augustinerinnen, die durch Textilarbeit und Mädchenerziehung ihren Lebensunterhalt gestalteten.
1739 brannten die alten Klostergebäude ab und wurden vom Orden aufgegeben. Ihm folgten 1749 Ursulinen, welche das heute noch erhaltene Klostergebäude in schlichtem Barockstil errichteten.
The Augustinian convent of St. Margaretha in Rüthen was built around 1480 and existed until 1734. Ursuline nuns lived there from 1749 to 1772. The building is therefore known as the Ursuline convent in the town today.
In addition to prayer, the Augustinian nun s were involved in textile production and dedicated themselves to the education of girls in Rüthen. In 1733, a merger with the Odacker convent was planned but not carried out. After a fire a few years later, the settlement was abandoned. In 1749, Ursuline nuns, who originally came from Dorsten, settled on this site. They also had the baroque building erected, which still exists today. However, the community was unable to survive and the sisters returned to Dorsten in 1772.
Car see parking guidance system Bus -Bus station Rüthen