Sage, mint, lovage & co. grow in a bed in the upper castle courtyard. The small herb garden with 23 different plants is located near the entrance to the historic youth hostel. The approximately 26 square meter square is surrounded by greywacke stones. Guests at Burg Altena will find well-known culinary herbs such as parsley, savory and chives. But there are also medicinal herbs such as St. John's wort, mullein and lady's mantle. If the name "yellow-leaved dost" doesn't ring a bell, the Latin name may help. Origanum vulgare Aureum" will also mean something to friends of Italian pizza. The names of the plants are written on slates. Not only visitors to Burg Altena benefit from the herb bed, the adjoining restaurant also uses the herbs in its cuisine. The museum's education department also offers "herb tours", "making ointments and oils" and "cooking like in the Middle Ages".