Kahle-Pön Düdinghausen hiking parking lot

Parking facilities

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Kahle-Pön Düdinghausen hiking parking lot

Starting point Sauerland-Wanderdorf region - Kahle-Pön nature trail hiking portal

At the hiking parking lot, above the village and the road "Zum Pön", you will find the portal board of the Kahle Pön nature trail and a hiking portal map of Medebach Touristik with the description of the two premium trails "Naturweg Kahler Pön" and "Geologischer Rundweg Düdinghausen".

Wanderportal Natutweg Kahler Pön


Kahle-Pön Düdinghausen hiking parking lot

59964 Medebach




From the hiking parking lot, you can access the Medebacher Bergweg, the Sauerland-Höhenflug, the Düdinghausen Geological Circular Trail, the "Kahle-Pön Nature Trail" and the Uplandsteig. The local circular hiking trails D and D2 can also be hiked from here. After a short walk, you can enjoy the fantastic view from the Kalied.

The Graf Stolberg Hütte is approx. 1800m away.

You will find the "Kahle Pön" hiking parking lot 2 km above the village of Düdinghausen. Simply follow the signs (P nature trail) from the center of the village (church) to the hiking parking lot.

Text source: Touristik-Gesellschaft Medebach mbH

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