KUMA Culture and Painting Center


#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / KUMA Culture and Painting Center

The KUMA culture and painting center with exhibition and art café

offers enjoyment for body, mind and soul. An interactive exhibition guide (in German and Dutch) leads visitors through the exhibition in an exciting and digital way. Families can solve an entertaining quiz and take part in a prize draw.

KUMA Kultur und Malzentrum

KUMA Kultur und Malzentrum

KUMA Kultur und Malzentrum

KUMA Kultur und Malzentrum

KUMA Kultur und Malzentrum

KUMA Kultur und Malzentrum


KUMA Culture and Painting Center

59964 Medebach

Telephone: +49 2982 9218 610

Fax: +49 2982 9218 611




Art exhibition: The life and work of the Bergenthal family of church painters

The exhibition is barrier-free and accessible by elevator. An interactive exhibition guide leads you through the exhibition in an exciting and digital way (languages: German and Dutch).

Guided tours and special openings are possible. Please inquire!

Art and painting school with creative workshop

KUMA course offers:

Drawing - Painting - Abstract art - Calligraphy - Sculpture - Sculptural design - Nature-based art - Shapes - Reshaping metal

You can find the current program here: www.oberschledorn-aktiv.de

Art Café

Enjoy café specialties, first-class coffee, espresso, cappuccino, latte, cocoa, tea, cakes and waffles, as well as delicious ice cream sundaes.

You will find KUMA in the town center, Grafschaft Str. 6 in Oberschledorn.

Contact: Oberschledorn Aktiv e.V., Tel.: 02982-1073

Please note the current opening hours: see website

The KUMA Art Café in Oberschledorn is open from Wednesday, March 01, 2023
open every Wednesday from 3 - 6 pm.

From March 12, 2023, it will be open every second and fourth Sunday from 3 - 7 pm

Groups of more than eight people please book in advance. Smaller parties are also possible by appointment.
Tel.: 02982/1467 - Ulla Padberg


Text source: Touristik-Gesellschaft Medebach mbH


Art exhibition adults:: € 3.00
Art exhibition family ticket:: 6,00 €
Art exhibition children from 6 years:: 1,00 €
Group prices from 10 persons:: 2,00 €

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