Medieval fortifications with a double ring of city walls

Historic city center | Historic site

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Medieval fortifications with a double ring of city walls

Between the walls - Experience an entertaining tour through the over 1000-year history of the Hanseatic town of Korbach.

Rundweg Zwischen den Mauern

Fruehling Totenhagen Graeber Tylenturm


Medieval fortifications with a double ring of city walls

Prof.-Bier-Str. 15

34497 Korbach

Telephone: +49 5631 53232


  • Free admission

The year is 1414 and on the day before Ascension Day, May 16,
the citizens of Korbach have cause to celebrate a special festival:
After decades of work, the town fortifications were finally
finally completed!

After the unification of the old and new towns in 1377, it was decided to secure both towns, which were already surrounded by their own walls, with a second, common wall. This created the double ring of walls. There were ramparts and ditches between the walls. The inner wall was defended by a battlements, the outer wall by still existing embrasures. Numerous towers, some of which have been preserved to this day, served as defensive bastions for the fortified citizens. The town could be entered or left through five gates.

Together with the two Gothic hall churches, the stone warehouses of the Hanse merchants with their characteristic stepped gables and the historic town hall from 1377 with its Roland statue, the double ring of walls is today one of the best-preserved examples of the medieval town. In contrast, the interactive city history tour "Between the Walls" is completely new. The name says it all: the 2.1 km long circular trail leads between the two medieval city walls once around the historic Altstadt. Starting directly at the Wolfgang-Bonhage-MUSEUM KORBACH, visitors can learn interesting and curious facts about the town's history at 10 stations and get to know the many modern facets of Korbach. If you need a break in between, numerous cafés and restaurants in the Altstadt invite you to linger.

There is even more history from Korbach in the interactive "Treasure Hunt" app from GrimmHeimat NordHessen (available for Android and iOS). The app contains additional information, fairy tales and legends from the town's history and a riddle to answer at each stop on the "Between the Walls" circular trail. If you answer all the questions correctly, you will receive a little surprise at the tourist information office.

This is how it works:

Visit There you can download the free app "Treasure Hunt in the Home of the Brothers Grimm" for your smartphone or tablet. You can find the "Between the Walls" tour in the app under the menu item "More events".


Free admission

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