Oberholz - Open Mind Place

Street art/ art in public space

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Oberholz - Open Mind Place

The Oberholz is one of 9 Open Mind Places around Medebach-Referinghausen.

Open Mind Place - Oberholz

Übersicht Open Mind Places

Open Mind Places - Oberholz


Oberholz - Open Mind Place

Düdinghauser Straße

59964 Medebach

The Open Mind Place Oberholz, 20 meters higher up, is located in the immediate vicinity of the Unterholz installation. Oak sleepers have been stacked on top of each other on a substructure of six concrete pillars to create a meeting space. The interior is accessible via a small bridge and offers space for up to six people. The elevated position allows a wide view over the village and the range of hills to the south with the Heidenstraße.

Oberholz is a popular place for many people to slow down and socialize with others.

Text source: Christoph Hessen Architekten, book "Open Mind Places"


Free admission: 0 €

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