Many hiking trails lead to a summit with the most beautiful view. However, the view from the Giersberg is so wide that it hardly fits on a single photo. There are two solutions for this:
- Does your camera have a panorama function? Activate it and zoom in a little on the landscape so that there is not too much sky in the upper area and not too much meadow in the lower area. First turn to the left and aim for the left end of the view. Press and hold the shutter release button. Schwenke the camera calmly, slowly and evenly to the right to the right end of the view. Release the shutter button and give your camera some time to create the panoramic image. If your camera stops taking the panorama image too early, repeat the process and move the camera a little faster.
- If your camera does not have a panorama function, proceed as follows: Zoom in a little on the landscape so that there is not too much sky at the top and not too much meadow at the bottom. First turn to the left and aim for the left end of the view. Now take a series of individual photos. After each shot, Schwenke the camera slightly to the right so that the individual shots overlap by about half until you reach the right-hand end of the view. Make sure that the horizon is at the same height in the picture in every shot. There are various computer programs available on the Internet that you can use to stitch the images together into a panoramic image on your computer at home. (With this technique, it is easier to do without a foreground for once. If you still want to have a foreground in your panoramic image, it is essential to rotate the camera so that the foreground does not move in front of the background in any way. However, finding the right point to rotate the camera requires some effort in this case).
During the rest of the tour, keep an eye out for motifs for a panoramic picture. Not only wide views are suitable for this. Look for alternative panoramas that do not show any views.
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