Wegescheid hiking parking lot

Parking facilities

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Wegescheid hiking parking lot

This hiking parking lot is located in the immediate vicinity of the L 728 between Kirchhundem and Brachthausen, on Varster Straße.

Impressionen zum Wanderparkplatz Wegescheid

Bereits an der Straße das Verkehrszeichen zum Wand

Wegescheid - Der Wanderparkplatz: ab hier bieten s

Für eine Rast nach ausgiebiger Wanderung findet de


Wegescheid hiking parking lot

Varster Straße

57399 Kirchhundem




  • Parking spaces available
There are numerous hiking options from the Wegescheid hiking parking lot:

Seelenortwanderung Kohlhagen:
A short but varied 6.5 km circular tour to Brachthausen with the cultural highlight of the Kohlhagen pilgrimage church and a stop at the Gut Ahe farm café.

Brachtser Höhenweg:
Start the 13 km hike at the Wegescheid parking lot via the Kohlhagen chapel, Gut Ahe, Vorspanneiche, Dollenbruch parking lot and Varste back to the Wegescheid starting point.


Free admission: 0 €
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors


Coordinates for the navigation system (WGS 84): GPS: N 51° 2' 48.678 E 8° 3' 50.9112 UTM: 32U 434397.990 5655452.022

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