Leisure and Tourism Association Märkisches Sauerland e.V.

Forest, water and iron ore are riches that nature gave us thousands of years ago. How we have used both, how this has shaped our environment and what we make of it today, is what we want to show here.

The Märkisch part of the Sauerland is one of the most successful economic regions in Germany - in the midst of magnificent mountains and valleys! It is still the forests and river courses that characterize our landscape. They invite you to an adventure in nature - while hiking, walking, biking and relaxing.

Ten impressive reservoirs are spread across the region. They complement our leisure activities and are at the same time one of the most striking testimonies of our fascinating industrial history. Look forward to versatile nature experiences and exciting industrial culture discoveries....

More information about the Sauerland region: www.maerkisches-sauerland.com

The following places belong to the Märkischer Kreis: Altena, Balve, Halver, Hemer, Herscheid, Iserlohn, Kierspe, Lüdenscheid, Meinerzhagen, Menden, Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde, Neuenrade, Plettenberg, Schalksmühle and Werdohl.