The evening will be hosted by the wonderful Lutz von Rosenberg Lipinsky. He is "Germany's funniest counselor". For years he has been worrying about the German soul in an entertaining and intelligent way. And it is currently stirring like rarely before, because democracy is in danger. Some say. We don't live in a democracy. Say the others. It's time to talk about what this is supposed to be: "rule by the people". We get upset, question everything, want to know everything and are always against it. It's time to reassure ourselves: Do we want democracy and are we even capable of it? And is there no alternative? Perhaps we should try something different again: Monarchy, plentocracy, theocracy, autocracy or anarchy. Maybe then one day we will be satisfied? And get what we want: Peace and quiet! The evening's guests, who offer entertainment at its best, are guaranteed not to be quiet:
Hennen Bender is AUSHÄUSIG AGAIN. And the longest-serving German-speaking stand-up pioneer has lost none of his form: the Pottfather of German comedy returns to the stage in a practical, space-saving vertical format. Equipped with the latest experiences of recent years, he does not look back, but vehemently forwards to laugh together about the madness of life. The most important questions of our time are not left unanswered: What should we do if there really is a squirrel invasion? Will only hamsterized toilet paper and/or sunflower oil really help? And what do real hamsters actually say?
As a psychologist,Vera Deckers observes her environment and it seems as if the narcissists have taken over: Packaging is more important than content. Attention is the global currency. Only those who are online still exist - and the loudest wins. Helicopter parents think sugar is the new heroin. Teenagers toil as influencers in YouTube mines. Self-optimizers pay for steps, burps and night-time snoring. Such times create self-doubt: can cabaret be in tune with the times if you don't even have a heart rate monitor? But the trained psychologist also finds reassuring things. Scientific studies prove it: Occasional drinkers live longer than people who don't drink alcohol at all!
Roger Stein offers captivating musical entertainment between comedy songs, songwriting and post-romanticism. With powerful versatility, self-irony and charm, he weaves his way through his multi-instrumental and rhyme-laden program and gives pointless - but not middle-fingerless! - a fiery guide to disciplined revolt. With razor-sharp rhyming technique, he plumbs the depths of satire and poetry, pulls the rug out from under simple metaphors and lets language loose on itself. He skillfully combines hip-hop elements with the German song tradition to create his very own musical style.
Christoph Brüske is the best thing that can happen to you. The dynamic cabaret artist with the "funny bones" of a Rhinelander has positive energy for an entire stadium. Brüske now has a cabaret answer to the accumulated challenges of this special era. It is: "Dance with the volcano!" Because no dicey topic is safe from the nimble tongue of the likeable stand-up entertainer. Whether it's politicians, moralizers or the lying bastards from the lobby desk: Brüske gives them all their comeuppance. You can look forward to a wonderful combination of biting political satire, mischievous contemporary analysis and a highly versatile singing voice.