She grew up in a world without telephones, radio and television. When she was born, women did not yet have the right to vote and the social meeting place in her home town of Vimmerby was the cattle market.
When she died in 2002 at the age of 94, the world was a different place. Astrid Lindgren's life is a projection screen for the 20th century, and her books, published in 106 different languages, reflect it in a fascinating way. But while the world changed at an unprecedented speed, her strong childlike main characters embody unbreakable values such as justice, generosity and respect.
Martin Mühleis has created a stage monologue about the life of the famous author from interviews, quotes and letters - the first stage autobiography authorized by Astrid Lindgren's family.
In this humorous and touching evening of theater, the well-known actress Gesine Cukrowski slips into the role of the great Swedish children's book author and tells the story of a little peasant girl who became one of the most influential women of the last century in a rousing stage monologue.