Dollenbruch hiking parking lot

Parking facilities

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Dollenbruch hiking parking lot

Hiking in the Dollenbruch nature reserve between Brachthausen and Silberg

Impressionen des Dollenbrucher Weihers

Das Verkehrszeichen als Hinweis auf den Wanderpark

Impressionen des Wanderparkplatzes


Dollenbruch hiking parking lot

57399 Kirchhundem



The Dollenbruch nature reserve

Moorland forests, alder forests, open grassland areas with wet meadows and meadows covered with moor grass: Water plays a special role in the Dollenbruch nature reserve. The nature reserve consists of the three sub-areas Dollenbruch, Sellenbruch and Silberbachoberlauf and also includes fauna and flora habitat areas (FFH areas). A total of around 98 hectares provide a valuable habitat for many rare and endangered animal and plant species.

The 4.5 km long themed hiking trail "Grenzgeschichten hautnah" (A2) is a great way to discover the nature reserve. Along the way, entertaining podcast anecdotes bring cultural and natural history to life.


Coordinates for the navigation system (WGS 84):

GPS: N 51° 1' 37 E 8° 3' 31

UTM: 32U 433994 5653265


The facility belongs to the Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V. and is maintained and serviced by the park.

Should you nevertheless notice any soiling or damage, please let us know by sending an email to

(Source: Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V.)


Free admission: 0 €

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