What began as an idea over a beer is now supported by a good 300 committed Sauerlanders of all ages: the Suttrop local history association, for example, presents the "Suttrop diamonds" in the Geopark Suttrop, a special type of quartz that only occurs here and attracts geologists from all over Germany. If you look closely, you can even find the "diamonds" yourself along the way, they say. The different types of rock in the Warstein region are presented on the diamond trail. Formed as a coral reef at the equator and "migrated" here over millions of years, partly under the earth's crust, is the mass limestone in the Warstein region - stories like these can be found on panels, videos and with the help of exhibits in the geostone circle. Inside the Geo Stone Circle is an exhibition of minerals from the Sauerland and Siegerland regions as well as selected minerals from all over the world. These rare pieces are vividly displayed in showcases.
Lime has been mined in the region for many centuries. The Kalköfen, which was rebuilt according to a historical model by many volunteers and is regularly put back into operation by the association - which is of course always used for a kind of folk festival. The embers of the Kalköfen then bathe the whole area in a magical light.
Visitors stand right on the spectacular edge of a still active quarry at the quarry experience point. Here too, information boards provide interesting facts at lofty heights.