Haus Letmathe/Städtisches Museum


#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Haus Letmathe/Städtisches Museum

In the former manor house of the von Brabeck family, the Heimatverein Letmathe e.V. displays its collection on the rural culture of the region as well as the craft and industrial history of Letmathe.






Haus Letmathe/Städtisches Museum

Hagener Straße 62

58642 Iserlohn

Telephone: 02371/217-1961


  • Parking spaces available
  • Bus stop available
  • Free admission
  • open on request/by arrangement
The permanent exhibition can be viewed as a tour on the upper floor of Haus Letmathe.

The gallery hosts changing special exhibitions on the history of Letmathe or by local artists.

The municipal museums regularly offer public guided tours of the exhibition.

There is evidence of the Letmathe farmstead on the site of the current building as early as the 11th century. In 1473, Haus Letmathe was built as a fortification with a moat.

Today, in addition to the local history museum, it houses a branch of the municipal library and the vaulted cellar, a cultural space for lectures and cabaret.

Groups and school classes by appointment

Business hours

Open on the 1st Sunday of the month from 10.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
closed on public holidays


Museum Haus Letmathe Hagen Street 62 58642 Iserlohn

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