Hiking parking lot Kelbketal

Parking facilities

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Hiking parking lot Kelbketal
The hiking parking lot in Kelbketal (Kelbkeweg in the district of Meschede-Callen) is located south of the L 840. There is a refuge and a small chapel not far from the nature park hiking site.

Schutzhütte Calle.jpg

Willkommen beim Wanderparkplatz Kelbketal!


Viele Wandermöglichkeiten bieten sich dem Gast


Hiking parking lot Kelbketal


59872 Meschede



Starting point for the circular hikes through the Kelbketal valley.


Coordinates for the navigation system (WGS 84):

GPS: N 51° 19' 32.3724 E 8° 13' 6.024

UTM: 32U 445536.47 5686330.46

51.325605412645174, 8.218613098367726


The facility belongs to the Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V. and is maintained and serviced by them.

Should you nevertheless notice any soiling or damage, please let us know by sending an email to info@npsr.de.

(Source: Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V.)


Free admission: 0 €

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