Hiking parking lot Skihang in Neuenrade

Parking facilities

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Hiking parking lot Skihang in Neuenrade

Hiking, skiing and tobogganing in the Sauerland Rothaargebirge Nature Park

Wanderparkplatz Skihang

Wanderparkplatz Skihang


Hiking parking lot Skihang in Neuenrade

Dahler Straße L698

58809 Neuenrade

Telephone: 02392-6930

Fax: 02392-69348




The Skihang hiking parking lot is located on the L698 country road between Neuenrade and Altena-Dahle. Coming from Neuenrade, it is located in a left-hand bend.

The ski lift on the Kohlberg and the toboggan slope can be reached directly from here. The parking lot is also an ideal starting point for hikes.


Free admission: 0 €

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