- Parking spaces available
- Bus stop available
- for groups
- for school classes
- for families
- for individual guests
- Suitable for seniors
- for children (all ages)
- Suitable for baby carriages
Elspe mini golf course
Bielefelder Straße 72a
57368 Lennestadt
Telephone: 0152 26250150
Action days, tournaments, events as well as (special) opening times and prices can be found here: www.elspe-minigolf.de.,
In the season (April - September) on Saturdays and Sundays from 13:00 - 19:00; open daily during the NRW summer vacations.
Additional opening days in 2024:
01.05.2024: May Day
09.+10.05.2024: Ascension Day / Father's Day and bridge day
20.05.2024: Whit Monday
03.+04.10.2024: Day of German Unity and bridge day