- Parking spaces available
- Bus stop available
- for any weather
- for groups
- for school classes
- for families
- for individual guests
- Suitable for seniors
- for children (all ages)
- free of charge / accessible at any time
Between the Haarstrang in the north and the Arnsberg Forest in the south, enchanting natural landscapes and many sights, including the impressive dam wall, characterize the picture.
2023 again voted the favorite lake of North Rhine-Westphalia Möhnesee and its intact nature give residents and guests a real quality of life.
Hiking, cycling or water sports - the 40 km long shoreline offers almost endless opportunities for leisure activities, with
hiking trails leading through natural
such as the Möhneauen and the Heve peninsula, which is home to thousands of water birds.
Pankratius church in Körbecke and the Drüggelte chapel. The Bismarckturm and the 40m high Möhneseeturm are wonderful places to look far into the countryside and across the lake.
The Möhnesee is easy to reach by public transport or your own car. There are numerous parking options and various ways to get around on site. So that you can relax as soon as you arrive in our region and are not stressed by the stress of the journey, you will find useful information here.