Origin - Open Mind Place

Street art/ art in public space

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Origin - Open Mind Place
The Ursprung is one of 9 Open Mind Places around Medebach-Referinghausen.

Open Mind Place - Ursprung

Übersicht Open Mind Places


Origin - Open Mind Place

59964 Medebach


  • Free admission
The four cubes made of flambéed wood are a reminder of Referinghausen's origins.

The village was first mentioned in a document from 1269 and was then a settlement of four small farms whose inhabitants lived exclusively from agriculture. This Open Mind Place takes up the typology of the traditional farmhouse, which consists of three parts: the living area, the stable and the Tenne. The elongated house form with a pitched roof has been positioned vertically and brought together to form a place of remembrance

.visitors wander through the spaces in between and find peace and contemplation in the individual cubes.

text source: Christoph Hesse Architekten, book "Open Mind Places"


Free admission: 0 €

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