- free of charge / accessible at any time
Schwarzbachtal with Krenkeltal and Haberg
57399 Kirchhundem
The 312-hectare nature reserve (NSG) consists of six sub-areas and is located in the municipality of Kirchhundem (Olpe district) south of the Panorama Park and extends east to the district border with Siegen-Wittgenstein.
The nature reserve is characterized by a near-natural, extensive, highly branched stream system of the Schwarzbach, Meinscheidbach and their tributaries (including the Krenkelsbach!).
The nature reserve has springs in larger or smaller hillside spring moors and moor and swamp forests. There are stream-side alder alluvial forests and riparian woodlands, birch and alder swamp and bog forests. In the floodplains there are also Wacholderheide and mountain heaths, bristle grass meadows, species-rich wet tall herb meadows, small and large sedge reeds, wet and poor fallow land, wet, damp and poor grassland, and
in the disused railroad tunnel between the Krenkel and Schwarzbachtal valleys there is an important winter roost for bats. In the area of the tunnel portals, the Krenkelsbach was led over the cut in the terrain required for the former railroad line by means of a "water bridge", the so-called aqueduct.