Historical, fascinating and tasty facts about the white source of life - the Upland Milk Cow Museum invites you on a journey through the world of milk. Original dairy equipment, milk containers from Africa and all kinds of "cow curiosities" about milk will amaze you. Milking the museum cow or carrying the heavy milk yoke will make you feel like a real milkmaid. This feeling becomes even more vivid in the barn corner, where it even smells like a farm. Documentary films also illustrate the topic of organic dairy and agriculture as well as healthy nutrition with natural products.
Take an exciting tour to learn more about the eventful history of today's Upland farmer's dairy, modern milk processing and the special features of organic farming and dairy farming. With audio guides, your visit to our museum will be an informative and entertaining experience. At 21 stations, you can call up in-depth information in either German or Dutch, allowing you to tailor your tour to suit your individual needs.
After the tour/audio tour, we recommend a delicious cocoa or latte made from fresh milk in our own Muhseum café.
Saturday is waffle day in the Muhseum café - feel free to drop by.
Our cheese and wine evening in the Upland Dairy Museum offers a special culinary experience. Dates and registration form at
www.muhseum.deYou can buy many more organic products, delicious cheeses, fruit buttermilk and much more in the organic store right next door.