- Family friendly
- Refreshment stop
- Accommodation option
- Circular route
- Signage
Hiking portal in the center of Medelon
Hiking portal in the center of Medelon
Nature lovers and families are in good hands on the discovery trail!
At 13 stations, QR codes provide interesting information about habitats, animals and plants, the former use of the watercourse and nature conservation measures.
The tour leads along the stream, through meadow valleys and floodplains, along paths and past a geological Aufschluss.
Hiking with children
Families with younger children can look forward to the playground in the center of the village. The tour can be shortened at the wooden bridge and, at around four kilometers, is also easy to manage with younger children. The trail is not suitable for baby carriages!
Information on the renaturation:
In the European LIFE project - a building block for Natura 2000 - the Orke was made more natural through extensive measures. By converting or bypassing 22 transverse structures, the river's passability for brown trout, brook lamprey and bullhead was restored. The black stork also benefits from the renaturation due to a better food supply. Afforestations of spruce or hybrid poplars were converted back into grassland, which is now managed by farmers in a nature conservation-friendly manner.
Further information can be found at: www.naturschaetze-suedwestfalens.de
The best way to experience the Orke valley is on the Orke water trail. From the starting point, follow the mascot "Koppi", a bright bullhead (fish) on a blue background.Western section:Via Marienglück into the Vildischer Grund to Forsthaus Kaltenscheid and back (7.4 km; 9 stops).Eastern section:To renaturalized sections of the Orke below Medelon and back (2.2 km; 4 stops).
From Medebach: Bus 361 (BRS): Medebach - Medelon - Hallenberg
From Winterberg: Bus 356 (BRS): Winterberg - Hallenberg / change in Hallenberg to bus 361 in the direction of Medebach
From Brilon/Olsberg bus S30 (RLG): Brilon - Medebach / change in Medebach to bus 361 direction Hallenberg
From Korbach bus 510 (NVV): Korbach - Medebach / change in Medebach to bus 361 direction Hallenberg
From Frankenberg bus 530 (NVV): Frankenberg - Lichtenfels - Medebach / change in Medebach to bus 361 direction Hallenberg
. address for navigation: Orkestraße 21, 59964 Medelon (Medebach)