Historical Belecke city tour

#deinsauerland / Neusta Touren / Historical Belecke city tour
In 2020, the Kultur- und Heimatverein BADULIKUM e.V. submitted an application to the LAG 5verBund initiative for funding to "expand and digitize the historical tour" with a further ten bronze plaques and received approval. The new plaques were produced by the renowned Strassacker art foundry in Süssen near Stuttgart. At the same time, the tour was digitized, i.e. the information on the individual stations is available via a homepage (www.stuetings-muehle.de/stadtfueh-rungen) and an app. There you will also find the places on the tour that are not located in Belecke's Altstadt. These include the churches and chapels in Belecke, the Kaiser-Heinrich-Bad and Haus Welschenbeck, where a café-event-lifestyle has been available again since fall 2023. Embark on an informative journey through time.

Altstadt Belecke

Brunnen am Wilkeplatz




Belecker Nachtwächter


Belecker Kuh


Altstadt Belecke

Propsteikirche St. Pankratius

Fachwerkhaus Belecke

Kleiner Speicher

Tour starting point:

Wilkeplatz, 59581 Warstein-Belecke

Tour destination point:

Wilkeplatz, 59581 Warstein-Belecke


  • Suitable for baby carriages
  • Family friendly
  • Culturally interesting
  • Refreshment stop
  • Circular route


regionaler Wanderweg


1.9 km


0:30 h

Elevation ascent

46 m

Elevation descent

46 m

Lowest point

255 m

Highest point

301 m



1 "Belecke history tree" fountain sculpture

2 Memorial

3 Remains of the town wall

4 Former vicarage5 Town hall

6 House Sonnenschein

7 Grewe House

8 Becker-Lüttken house

9 First Belecke watering hole

10 Belecke cow

11 Meinold House / Fountain

12 Blecke-Mallinerkes house

13 Wessel-Sieveringes house "Feuergasse"

14 Former elementary school

15 St. Pankratius provost church

16 Propstei entrance

17 Abbey chapel / treasury

18 Hagemann-Frönnes inn

19 Town wall

20 Jewish cemetery

21 Stütings Mühle historical ensemble

22 Fruit barn/library

23 Sawmill

24 "Small granary"

25 Tunnel bunker

0 km 0.5 km 1 km 1.5 km 250 m 275 m 300 m 325 m 257 299


Author Tip

Information on the individual stations is available via a homepage (www.stuetings-muehle.de/stadtfueh-rungen) and an app.


At Wilkeplatz or directly at the historic Stütings Mühle ensemble

Interesting places in the neighbourhood

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