- Family friendly
- Circular route
10 hands-on stations are waiting for you! Easy hike for the whole family.
Nearby - in the middle of the Hennedamm is the Himmelstreppe with a viewing platform.
Hennesee lakeside path
Hennesee lakeside path
Description & flyer of the SinnePfad:
Welcome to the SinnePfad at the Hennesee vacation region!
A trail for the whole family - here everyone can touch and try out the individual stations and test their senses at the same time.
Nature, the forest is full of undiscovered surprises, because we only see, feel, hear or taste a very small part of what it has to offer. A few thousand years ago, people's senses were even more developed. Today, unnaturally loud noises, bright colors and the hectic pace of life have dulled them more and more.
The SinnePfad offers you the opportunity to sharpen your senses again for vital, not so loud, flashy, hectic natural processes. Embark on a journey of sensory discovery. You may recognize the hammering great spotted woodpecker. But do you know how it locates its prey in the wood of the tree trunk?
Hands-on stations
10 interactive stations on the 2.0 km long SinnePfad give you the chance to be playfully surprised by nature. Living SENSUALLY means being aware of your living environment and treating it with respect. We humans are in the same boat as nature.
The path
When you arrive at the portal of the SinnePfad from Hennesee, follow the path clockwise. If you are traveling with a stroller, you should use the forest path that runs parallel. It is also advisable to use this alternative route in winter or in wet weather.
Parking facilities
There are many parking options along the Hennesee. It is advisable to use the Hennedamm hiking parking lot. From there, you can use the footpath that takes you to the dam. If you prefer a more athletic approach, you can climb the dam via the 333 steps of the Himmelstreppe. Once on the dam, turn left and follow the path along the bank. You will soon see the portal of the SinnePfad.
sturdy shoes, the path is partly a trail through the forest
If you are traveling with a baby carriage, use the parallel forest path. This alternative route is also recommended in wet weather.
The regular route of the SinnePfad is not barrier-free and not suitable for baby carriages.
Info about the SinnePfad: https://www.hennesee-sauerland.de/sauerland/freizeit/naturlehrpfade/sinnepfad/
Flyer about the SinnePfad at the Hennesee: https://www.hennesee-sauerland.de/kontakt-tourist-information/prospektbestellung/gastgeberverzeichnis/
Hiking map "Around the Hennesee"
Hiking map Meschede-Freienohl, ISBN 978-3-89920-787-3
Hiking map Meschede-Bestwig, ISBN 978-3-89920-788-0
The hiking maps are on a scale of 1:30,000 and GPS-accurate. The back of the map contains information on excursion destinations, tips on places to stop for refreshments and leisure activities as well as an overview of the circular hiking trails with lengths and tour tips for the individual places.
The map material is weatherproof, tearproof and wipeable. The individual hiking maps are available at the tourist information offices "Around the Hennesee". They can also be ordered from bookshops throughout Germany.
Take the train to Meschede station, from there the S70 runs regularly to the Hennesee.
Get off at the stop "Meschede, Stadtpark" or "Meschede, Hennesee".
There are many parking options along the Hennesee. You can use the Hennedamm hiking parking lot (at the Hennedamm Hotel, Zum Stadtpark 6, 59872 Meschede). From there, you can use the footpath that takes you to the dam.
If you prefer a more athletic approach, you can climb the Hennedamm via the 333 steps of the Himmelstreppe. Once on the dam, turn left and follow the path along the bank. You will soon see the portal of the SinnePfad.