- Family friendly
- Circular route
Piener Kopf hiking parking lot
Piener Kopf hiking parking lot
All information about the VolmeSchatz can be found here. All information about the magical world of legends at the top of the Volme can be found here.
You can find all the legendary places and related excursion tips in the adventure booklet for the "Magical world of legends at the top of the Volme".
Follow the A2 circular hiking trail! It is around 6.5 km long and should take you about an hour and a half. Open the four curse stone chests along the way! Each chest contains a stone from the curse stone chain. To disempower the curse stone, solve the task you find in the chest! The daylight will help you, because the curse stone cannot glow in daylight and is weakened.
We start at the Piener Kopf hiking parking lot near Herscheid. We follow the small road down towards Stottmert and a few minutes' walk later, on the right-hand side, following the junction for a few meters, we reach the legendary site of "The dog as child murderer". The first adventure station is located here, as well as the audio play station for the legendary story.We walk the few meters back to the crossroads and follow the small road downhill again before the hiking trail turns left onto a forest road. We follow the path up the small hill and enjoy the fantastic view. The path now descends and we soon come to a forest sofa and the second adventure station. From here, we keep slightly to the right and finally walk downhill to the settlement of Stottmert.Once here, we now follow the small road on the left through the settlement, continuing downhill. The road soon bends steeply to the left; here we keep right and follow the (forest) path. Now we walk through beautiful, varied nature before the path makes a 180° turn and leads us uphill. We continue to follow the path and stick to the "marching route": Continue straight ahead and uphill until we finally come to a small, asphalted path. Here we keep to the right and soon reach the settlement of Nieder-Holte.The path now leads us through the small settlement of Nieder-Holte. Turning right, the path soon rejoins a forest path. At the next fork, we keep right and follow the path up the Bollenberg. We soon reach the next adventure station at an (almost) 180° bend in the path. Following the aforementioned bend, the hiking trail now leads us to the next parking lot for hikers. Here we come across a small road again and follow it briefly uphill before a small section of path promises a shortcut to the road. At the top, a forest sofa with the last adventure station awaits us on the left. From here, it is only a few meters to our starting point, the Piener Kopf hiking parking lot.
If you have made a mistake and the entire Fluchstein loop (hiking trail A2) is too long for you, you can also shorten it. To do this, follow the Herscheid circular route H, which you meet before the Niederholte settlement!
Unfortunately, the starting point of the hike cannot be reached by public transport.
The Piener Kopf hiking parking lot can be reached from the direction of Herscheid via the "An den Hellen" road. Follow the road up the mountain until you reach the hiking parking lot at the top of the "Kopf".
Coming from Lüdenscheid (Versetalsperre) or Meinerzhagen (Fürwiggetalsperre), leave the L694 in the direction of "Stottmert" (on the left / signposted), cross the aforementioned settlement and soon reach the Piener Kopf hiking parking lot at the top of the "Kopf".
Auf dem Wanderparkplatz Piener Kopf sind ausreichend kostenfreie Parkplätze für Pkws verfügbar.