Under the ground and on the water in Attendorn

A trip underground and on the water - Atta-Höhle, Biggolino and Biggesee.

Personenschiff auf dem Biggesee.

The Biggesee Express (RB 92) takes excursionists to the vacation and leisure area around the Biggesee every hour. Our tip: Combine a visit to the Atta-Höhle in Attendorn with a boat trip on the Biggesee.

Arriving at the train station in Attendorn, the Atta-Höhle is reached via a 7-minute walk. A guided tour through the easily accessible cave takes about 40 minutes. The temperature in the Atta-Höhle is constantly 9°C. Daily. 365 times a year. Summer and winter.


If your stomach is rumbling after that, the Atta-Höhle has a very special group offer: the tasting of the unique Atta cheese. Because in the cave matures a particularly tasty cheese. It is the silence and the climate that give it its special aroma. The cheese matures for almost 3 months at a constant 95% humidity in the cave corridors of Attendorn. Conditions that can not be produced artificially.


With the Biggolino to the boat landing stage and to the Skywalk Biggeblick

Mutter mit zwei Kindern an der Hand laufen über den Skywalk Biggeblick.

The Biggolino, with a stop directly in front of the Atta-Höhle, transports you every hour between the cave and the boat landing Biggedamm.

During a boat ride you can enjoy the lake and experience nature from a different perspective. And if you prefer to go high up, you can take a walk to the Aussichtsplattform Biggeblick and enjoy the beautiful view over the Biggesee.

From the train stop Kraghammer (2km from the boat landing) the Biggesee-Express (RB 92) will take you back towards Olpe or Attendorn/Finnentrop.

Arrival by bus and train:

Ein Zug der Deutschen Bahn fährt durch die Landschaft.

How to get to Attendorn by train:

You reach Attendorn via the railroad line of the Biggesee-Express, which runs between Finnentrop and Olpe. In Finnentrop you have connection to the regional express ( Essen - Hagen - Finnentrop - Altenhundem - Siegen ). More info about the Biggesee-Express: https://www.zws-online.de/fahrplaene-liniennetz/schienenstrecken/rb-92-biggesee-express/

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