Hiking portal Ohlenbach

Parking lot

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Hiking portal Ohlenbach

Starting point Region Sauerland Hiking Villages - OhlenbachLocated is the hiking parking lot Ohlenbach between Schmallenberg-Westfeld (coming from here directly at the entrance to Ohlenbach - turn left) and Winterberg-Altastenberg on the L 640. At the junction "Ohlenbach" is the chapel "Maria Waldrast".

Wandern im Schmallenberger Sauerland


Hiking portal Ohlenbach

57392 Schmallenberg-Ohlenbach



A variety of hiking possibilities are open to you, e.g.a) Circular trail around Ohlenbach on the A3 - details hereb) Explore the Schwedensteig.

Coordinates for the navigation system (WGS 84):GPS: N 51° 10' 1.2648 E 8° 26' 30.9984UTM: 32U 460982.31 5668546.18

The site belongs to the Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V. and is maintained and cared for by them. Should you nevertheless notice soiling or damage, we ask you to inform us by e-mail to info@npsr.de. (Source: Sauerland Rothaargebirge Nature Park e.V.)


Freier Eintritt: 0 €

Main opening times:

We are open all day everyday.

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