Municipal library Stütings Mühle


#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Municipal library Stütings Mühle

The Belecke public library has been located in a historic building of the Stütings Mill since 1995.

Suitable for people with walking disabilities.

Stadtbücherei Belecke


Municipal library Stütings Mühle

Wilkestraße 1d

59581 Warstein

Telefon: +49 2902 2302



Stüting's mill was used as a grain and saw mill from 1307 - 1963, the mill is named after the Stüting family who took it over in 1813.

The mill wheel of the mill was restored in 1984, the only water-powered horizontal gate in the Sauerland in 1987 and the turbine and generator were renewed and put back into operation in 1994. They generate about 130,000 kwh.

You can also find more information about the history of the buildings here on the website still under the POI Stütings Mühle, the historical site, otherwise of course also during a welcome visit to Belecke.

The municipal library of Belecke is located in one of these mentioned buildings, in the former fruit barn. During about 20 opening hours per week, about 9,000 books, as well as 1,500 cassettes and CDs and 22 magazine subscriptions are available there for borrowing and browsing.

Pupils can also find learning aids for all age groups in the so-called "Pupil Center", and kindergartens and schools can have entire media boxes put together on the current or currently interesting monthly topic.

In addition, interlibrary loans of media are possible via the Belecke public library, which cooperates with the Soest public library.

There are also regular craft and activity days for children and lectures for children and adults.

So a visit is worthwhile in any case, as you can see.

The manager of the mill is Mrs. Angelika Krüger, who is assisted by an energetic team.


Nutzung Internetplatz 10 Minuten kostenlos, danach:
Einzelausweis für Inhaber der Ehrenamtskarte 6,- €: Ersatz Strichcode-Etikett 2,50 €
Einzelausweis Erwachsener 13,50 € jährlich: Ersatz Schlüssel für Schließfächer 5,- €
Familienausweis für Familienpassinhaber / Inhaber: Ersatz verlorener Leseausweis 3,- €
Familienausweis 13,50 € jährlich: Ersatz bei Verlust eines Mediums oder Reparaturkos
Leserausweis / Bestellungen / Service: Beschädigungen / Verlust / Ersatzbeschaffungen
Bestellung von Medien über den auswärtigen Leihver:
Einmalnutzung der Bücherei 2,50 €:
Einzelausweis Jugendliche von 14-20 Jahren 6,- €:
Fotokopie / Ausdruck vom Laserdrucker pro Seite 0,:
Einzelausweis Kinder bis 13 Jahre kostenlos:

Main opening times:

Day From Until
Sunday 10:30 12:30
Tuesday 15:00 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 12:00
Thursday 14:00 19:00
Friday 15:00 18:00

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