Pilgrimage town Werl city information

Tourist Information

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Pilgrimage town Werl city information

City information

Here you can buy tickets for events in the Werl City Hall and elsewhere.

Außenansicht der Stadtinformation

Logo der Wallfahrtsstadt Werl


Pilgrimage town Werl city information

Steinerstraße 2

59457 Werl

Telefon: +49 2922 8703500

Fax: 02922 87035016




The city information is responsible for the following tasks of the pilgrimage city Werl:

  • tourist and general inquiries
  • Organization of city tours and thematic tours ( Werl spa gardens in a different way ...., special features of the Werl park cemetery, Werl wine tour )
  • Organization of markets in the pedestrian zone in connection with the Werl city festivals
  • Organization of the traditional Michaeliskirmes
  • Organization of the Werl Advent and Christmas Market
  • Organization of the Werl weekly market ( Tue + Fri )
  • Advance ticket sales via CTS eventim, Hellweg Ticket and from now on also supraregional events (e.g. The Lion King in Hamburg)


Freier Eintritt: 0,0

Main opening times:

Day From Until
Monday 10:00 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 18:00
Thursday 10:00 18:00
Friday 10:00 18:00

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