Rainer-Ludwig Observatory in Medebach


#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Rainer-Ludwig Observatory in Medebach

If you want to take a look at the stars, this is the place to be

Rainer-Ludwig Sternwarte in Medebach


Rainer-Ludwig Observatory in Medebach

59964 Medebach

Telefon: +49 2982 9218 610




On clear nights there is a lot to discover!

The small Rainer Ludwig Observatory in Medebach exists on private initiative. Nevertheless, it can be visited for guided tours of the starry sky.

A visit to the observatory makes most sense around the time of the new moon, as the dark nights then allow to look especially far into the universe. In addition, a visit to the observatory requires clear observing weather because, unlike planetariums, you can experience the night sky "live" here.


Although it may make long-term appointments difficult, please use the dates given here spontaneously and then call +(0)1520 7212165 (Mr. Rieger) at short notice to register. Your registration can also be taken practically during the whole night. Longer-term appointments can be arranged with the Touristik-Gesellschaft Medebach mbH, but could be canceled in case of unfavorable weather conditions.

Text source: Touristik-Gesellschaft Medebach mbH

You will find the Rainer-Ludwig observatory at the end of Medebach in the direction of Medelon, Hallenbergerstr.34, near the farm.


Eintritt frei: 0.00

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