Sculpture trail customs and history of the city


#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Sculpture trail customs and history of the city

The theme and sculpture trail in Attendorn's city center is intended to bring tradition and history to life for locals and visitors alike.

Skulptur Feuer löschen

Skulptur Iserkopp


Skulptur Semmelsegnen



The background: In the Hanseatic city, carnival, marksmen's and Easter customs are particularly cultivated. These three customs, as well as the general theme of "city history," have each been given a so-called "square area" in the city center that deals with them in an artistic way. In a tour (for example during a guided tour of the city), the themes are bundled and made tangible for the general public.

The following four works of art can be found:

- Kirchplatz/Truchseßgasse: sculpture "The People of Attendorn" (Easter customs).

On a round, handcrafted column made of natural stone, stands a bronze ball made of bread rolls. The multitude of bronze buns is supposed to symbolize the long years of tradition and the people of Attendorn.

- Corner Niederste Straße/Schemperstraße: Fools' Fountain (carnival tradition)

The different elements and figures symbolize the facets of the Attendorn carnival: The "Bütt", where also every visitor can swing her/his speeches and from which a water jet glides into the fountain when entering; the carriage with the city coat of arms and the indispensable cat (Kattfiller), standing for the street carnival; the Mariechen as a sign for the dance sport; as well as the "Kattfiller", the symbolic figure of the Attendorn carnival. The basic shape of the fountain basin is a confetti.

- Fire pond: Sculpture "Extinguish fire" (Schützenbrauchtum)

The art object made of Corten steel stands for the area of Schützenbrauchtum. In the Middle Ages and in early modern times, the marksmen also took on tasks specified in the fire fighting regulations when extinguishing fires. Thus, the original function of the fire pond for extinguishing purposes and the historical fire extinguishing order are symbolically taken up.

- Bieketurm: Iserkopp sculpture (city history)

Only a few meters away from the fire pond, at the foot of the Bieketurm, a stately Iserkopp sits on a bench - complete with typical helmet, armor and halberd. The Iserkopp goes back to the 30-year war, in which the Swedes besieged Attendorn. The armor was kept as a trophy of the Hanseatic city's victory. The life-size art object, which already serves as a popular photo motif from the first day, is made of bronze and sits on a hand-forged bench made of wrought iron.


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Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened

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