Suttrop lime kiln

Industrial monument

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Suttrop lime kiln

The historic Kalköfen in Suttrop is intended to bring visitors closer to a piece of local history, supported by an informative and interesting exhibition and the so-called "Diamond Trail", a stone nature trail.

Suitable for people with walking disabilities!



Suttrop lime kiln

Nuttlarer Straße 47

59581 Warstein

Telefon: +49 2902 58882



Mass lime deposits and their accompanying phenomena are formative elements of the region around Warstein. Lime was needed in agriculture, houses and walls were built of limestone and the mining was formative for social and economic life. Geological deposits arouse the interest of geologists and mineralogists, phenomena such as stream swales, caves and fossils awaken the exploratory urge in young people.

Widely known is the Suttrop quartz, called "Suttrop diamond". At its most important discovery site in Suttrop, the Suttrop local history society, with the support of the Warstein city marketing association, has built the Diamond Trail, an educational stone trail for anyone interested. With exhibits, graphics and explanations, it provides an insight into the geology of the region, with examples of the numerous types of rock in the Warstein area that are of economic use in the surrounding quarries.

In addition, a lime kiln based on a historical model and a matching informative exhibition on the subject of lime have been set up, in which many exhibits, pictures and explanations provide background knowledge on topics such as lime burning and lime mining in the past and today, the formation of bulk lime deposits, lime products and the many uses of lime. In addition, contemporary witness accounts are exhibited there that provide a link to local and regional lime history.

The Kalkofen itself was built as a ring kiln based on the model of the historic Ehling-Weiken Kalkofen. In the original Ehling-Weiken lime kiln, lime was burned from 1891 to 1954, which was mainly used in agriculture. To light the kiln, first a frame made of oak wood was erected and a fire was lit on it. Then coal and limestone were added alternately. When heated to over 1000°C, the limestone gave off carbon dioxide. The finished lump lime was then extracted from the lower openings, ground and filled into bags to be used in agriculture as fertilizer, for example. If, on the other hand, lump lime was put into a tub full of water, slaked lime was produced, which was used to make lime mortar. After being drawn off, the kiln was filled again from above without the embers going out, thus ensuring continuous operation of the kiln.

Once a year, the replica is also lit at least and the process of lime production can then be witnessed at first hand.

It is worth a visit in any case.


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