Upper Sauerland Regional Forestry Office

Cross-country ski trail connection

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Upper Sauerland Regional Forestry Office

The Sauerland makes a special nature experience possible. The WALDPÄDAGOGEN of the Regional Forestry Office Upper Sauerland offer environmental education projects "Forest" for many interested people to create forest experiences that have a lasting effect.

Holz- und Touristikzentrum Schmallenberg


Upper Sauerland Regional Forestry Office

Poststraße 7

57392 Schmallenberg

Telefon: +49 (0) 29 72 - 97 02 - 0

Fax: +49 (0) 29 72 - 97 02 - 22




The Regional Forestry Office Upper Sauerland is one of the 16 forestry offices of Wald und Holz NRW. It is located in the heart of the Sauerland. With 67,000 ha of forest area, it is characterized by extensive spruce and Buchenwald forests, intensive hiking tourism and large nature reserves. On the basis of near-natural forest management, the Regional Forestry Office Upper Sauerland maintains partnerships with forestry, timber industry, forest nature conservation and tourism.The Sauerland, equipped with an extensive and well-maintained forestry trail network, makes for a special nature and hiking experience. The good cooperation between the forestry office and tourism creates the best conditions for successful environmental education by specially trained employees of the forestry office.FOREST EDUCATORS + RANGERS - Forest, Experience, Education for Sustainable Development:In the Upper Sauerland Forestry Office, certified forest educators and 10 rangers offer a diverse, qualified and professional environmental education program for all age groups: Forest experiences are designed that have a lasting effect. In a playful way, the forest is explored and discovered together in all its different facets: Emotional, economic, ecological or sometimes quite mystical insights can be experienced.As a real "multi-talent" forest, the added value is learned.The forest educators and rangers of the Regional Forestry Office Upper Sauerland offer environmental education projects "Forest" for

  • Kindergartens

  • schools

  • multipliers

  • and everyone who is interested in the forest,

in the forest. As a public service provider, the forestry office is an efficient, competent and flexible worker also for forestry-related forest management and timber marketing.The forest in the Sauerland is also highly attractive as an economic area. Especially the coniferous forest grows fast and vital, so that the region makes an important contribution to the supply of our customers in the timber industry. For all interested parties, the Regional Forestry Office UpperSauerland is very happy to be your contact:https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/ueber-uns/einrichtungen/regionalforstaemter/oberes-sauerland/https://www.wald-und-holz.nrw.de/wald-erleben/ranger/

Main opening times:

Day From Until
Monday 08:30 16:00
Tuesday 08:30 16:00
Wednesday 08:30 16:00
Thursday 08:30 16:00
Friday 08:30 12:00


Free parking is available in a limited number.

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