The Möhnesee lies on the edge of the Arnsberg Forest between the Westfalen Bay, the Haarstrang and the Sauerland and is therefore on the main migration route for many waterfowl. The dam wall in Günne was built between 1908 and 1913. This gave rise to the Möhne dam, whose main purpose is to provide water for the Ruhrgebiet. The Möhnesee is a European bird sanctuary.
The Hevesee nature reserve in the southern part of the Möhnesee is made up of large, open water areas, diversely structured shoreline zones as well as Buchenwald and near-natural mixed oak forests. The two smaller rivers "Heve" and "Kleine Schmalenau" flow into this area. Numerous amphibians, such as the strictly protected natterjack toad, spawn in the wetlands in spring. On the muddy banks of the lake, you may be lucky enough to spot wading birds, including wood sandpipers, greenshanks and little ringed plovers, during the migration season.
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