The route is 4 km long. Alternatively, you can park at the cemetery in Allagen. The highlight of the Ackerroute is the Möhneseeblick. Here you can enjoy wide panoramic views across the farmland of the Haarstrang to the Möhnesee in the west and Warstein in the east. Experience the red kite on its hunting flights and listen out for the song of the skylarks. Did our ancestors really choose their pagan places of worship, which later often became the sites of churches, on the basis of constellations? The first church site in Allagen probably dates back to the 8th century and is part of this mystical constellation story, which you can discover at the celestial are in the Hellwegbörde European bird sanctuary, where the village initiative Allagen/Niederbergheim e.V. asks you to keep your dogs on a lead during the breeding season. Numerous rare species within the bird sanctuary such as Montagu's harrier, lapwing, corncrake and skylark are ground breeders!
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