Tourist information Neuenrade
Are you looking for information on leisure activities, sights and hiking tours in and around Neuenrade?
Green in cities - that is quality of life. And there is plenty of both in Neuenrade. A harmonious combination of leisure, living, working and a scenic location make Neuenrade so attractive. The Hönne, which gives its name to an entire region - the Hönnetal vacation region - has its source here.
With the Sauerland-Höhenflug long-distance hiking trail, easy walks and challenging day hikes, the Hönnestadt offers a varied hiking backdrop. The climb up the Quitmannsturm guarantees great views. You can also take a sightseeing flight from Küntrop airfield. Mountain biking, road biking or leisure cycling are possible on the Hönnetal cycle path and those who prefer a more leisurely pace can stroll through the alleyways of the historic Altstadt and enjoy a delicious scoop of ice cream or soak up the sunshine in the outdoor pool.
Well-known far beyond the city limits is the traditional horse and stall market in March each year - affectionately known as the "Gertrüdchen" - today the first major folk festival in the region with a funfair.
Locals know it, visitors are surprised by the vineyard in the middle of the Sauerland, as well as by the Motte, an authentic wooden tower castle. Particularly worth seeing are the late Gothic Antwerp folding altar in St. Lambert's Church in Affeln and the Rennofen Gut Berentrop, the best preserved of its kind in the Märkischer Kreis. A wide variety of cultural events round off the leisure options.
Visitors can easily find a suitable temporary home from the wide range of hotels, inns, guesthouses, vacation apartments and vacation homes. Restaurants, cafés and bistros serve up many a culinary delicacy.
Are you looking for information on leisure activities, sights and hiking tours in and around Neuenrade?